Verifiable credentials on the EBSI European blockchain
BCdiploma is the technical operator of the French governmental project fr.EBSI, aiming at deploying a solution for sharing verifiable diplomas and credentials on the EBSI blockchain. The project is led by the University of Lille.
The project will automate the sharing of digital and tamper-proof certificates, signed with decentralized identifiers (DiD), in a "W3C Verifiable Credential" format recognized by all European universities and recruitment services.eSSIF Self-Sovereign Identity Enterprise and Student Wallet
BCdiploma is funded by NGI eSSIF-Lab to develop an enterprise wallet and a student wallet that comply with W3C and eSSIF "Self-Sovereign Identity" standards.
These wallets will support the entire lifecycle of "Verifiable Credentials" in the EBSI trust environment: from their issuance by an institution upon a student's request to their sharing as "Verifiable Presentation".Verifiable Credentials online validation service
BCdiploma offers to the EBSI and eSSIF communities the first Verifiable Credentials validator: it allows to analyze the validity of a credential issued according to the W3C VC standards in line with eSSIF/EBSI standards.
This service is the result of BCdiploma's developments and contributions to's Open Source SSI Kit solution, and is constantly evolving: you can also contribute to enhancing the SSI Kit!
The blockchain health record of bridges
Blockchain Certified Data, the publisher of BCdiploma, is conducting the "Blockchain Health Record of Bridges" pilot project on behalf of CEREMA: a decentralized and secure storage platform for data from the census of engineering works in the towns of the “National Bridges Program” (France).
This decentralized pilot project handles the life cycle of the data, from input to update by the towns. It allows the conditioned, certified and traced sharing of the Health Records.