Ready-to-Print Offer:
Reduce Your Costs by 80%

Automate the issuance of your parchments

  • directly from BCdiploma
  • securing them with a QR code
Digital crendentials
SEO fonctionnality

Prepare your graduation ceremonies with a click

For your diplomas, certifications, or titles, BCdiploma allows you to configure 'ready-to-print' files: high-resolution PDFs, bleed, crop marks, etc. Issuing your files will then be done with a single click.

Secure your diploma parchments

You can include the QR Code of the associated blockchain digital certificate on your parchments: finally, a secure parchment!

Customize your credentials design
SEO fonctionnality

Optimize your delivery times

  • A digital certificate sent as soon as possible after your juries
  • An easy-to-issue parchment to prepare for your graduation ceremony

Save time by streamlining your processes

Streamline your processes between digital and paper versions of your documents, and reduce up to 80% of time on your tasks.

SEO fonctionnality
Responsive design and mobile first digital credential