Verification of Blockchain Digital Credentials
BCdiploma Digital Credentials can be accessed on the official web domain declared by the issuing institution or on You are then viewing data read in real-time from the blockchain. For automated verification, you can enter the link of the certificate to be authenticated below.
Verify a Blockchain Digital Credential
By clicking on the “Proofs” button, you access the authenticity and verification proofs declared on the blockchain by a BCdiploma issuer, specifically their official consultation domain.
1When you access the certificate from the official consultation domain of the issuer, you are guaranteed real-time access to tamper-proof data, read in real time on a blockchain.
2Reads the legal information of the certificate issuer and the official consultation domain(s) (host) directly from the blockchain using an open-source blockchain explorer.
3Optional: when the issuer has declared on the blockchain a link to an information page on its domain, it is accessible here.
4Displays the certificate issuer's information on the BCdiploma solution's user directory.
5Reads from the blockchain the information of the validating organisation that opened the issuer's address.
6Displays the validator's information on a dedicated page of the website. Other ecosystem validators are also displayed.
7Displays the transaction on which the certificate data has been written by the issuer in an open source blockchain explorer. The following can be checked: the blockchain used, the transaction status, the time stamp and the issuer address.