You may already be familiar with BCdiploma: the platform issuing blockchain digital credentials that gathers the largest number of universities, training organizations and companies. Since its launch in 2019, BCdiploma’s key feature has been the customizable blockchain digital credential, with complete parameterization of the data model and graphical components for each institution:

BCdiploma now offers a turnkey Micro-Credentials platform
BCdiploma is pleased to present its new “micro-certification” feature, which allows you to configure as many micro credentials examples as you wish, in just a few clicks and in full autonomy, and thus enhance the skills and competencies of your learners.
eCampusOntario and the movement of micro-certifications
In late 2019, BCdiploma won eCampusOntario’s first invitation to tender to support Ontario’s higher education institutions in a micro credential pilot project. These are delivered by academic institutions and approved by professional partners, certifying the acquisition of skills required on the job market. In 2020, BCdiploma was again selected to continue this project, which runs until mid 2022. Canada has an active strategy for the recognition of professional skills, but the issue arises in France as well, with the requirement to declare the skills that make up the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certification) credentials.
What is a micro-credential?
A micro-credential recognizes a set of skills, which can be assessed and validated, thus contributing to professional know-how. It is commonly presented as a digital badge, the most popular being the Open Badge, which benefits from a complete ecosystem of portfolios or backpacks that can be used free of charge by learners. These platforms allow them to publicly display their skills, creating an enhanced resume.
BCdiploma is the first player to offer 100% blockchain multilingual micro-certifications in the Open Badges format, labeled by IMS Global Learning Consortium, allowing professional use of the skills acquired.
BCdiploma, your micro-credentials in a few clicks

Create your micro-certifications in a few minutes, choosing your labels and visuals… and in as many languages as you want. Add external links or mention your partners: it’s quick and easy.

Manage your certification campaigns with ease
BCdiploma users will agree: the back-office is complete, simple and user-friendly. Once your micro-credentials are created, a simple data import is all you need to publish and send the micro-certifications to your learners via the integrated emailing tool.

Would you like to go further and integrate BCdiploma into your LMS or management system?
BCdiploma’s API allows complete interfacing with your usual tools: schedule a demo by clicking here.